"Longest legimitate URL on the internet." Big claim. Is there any other we should be aware of?
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.work is NOT a Fibonacci number.
No, 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.work is about Pi. Do you remember pi?
Only the first 68 digits of Pi, since there is a maximum number of characters that a website's URL can be. This is the max.
While recognizing that this can and likely will change over the next generation or two, at this time, it's nice to be the longest url.
Let's face it: Recitng this website's URL is, discretely, a joy, a pleasure, a gratification. Might sound synonymous, yet, 3 distinct experiences.
Reciting strings of Pi are good for the mind, such pretense of literacy in the initial sentences of the page are less to impress, more to SEO:
Search engines elicit greater effort in assuring webmasters and publishers that the raw number of unique terms AND cogent relevance.
Promulgating what uniquity can be agglomerated w/ available tool(s), the Psychology of Shortcuts adopts, per se, the sharper edge
Now that THAT'S clarified to that extent, let's return to Pi, and reciting strings of pi, and just what Pi is.
Regardless of whether you use centimeters or inches to measure around any specific circle,
that measurement you have only needs to be divided by the diameter of the circle, to find Pi.
No matter the size of the circle, it will always be pi, which deserves to be called Pi, hm?
Since, so far, we've only heard MisterShortcut utter this website out loud, by memory, naturally, in one breath,
consideration is solicited in the matter of how many folks can cite this website from memory, in one breath.
www.3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.work is dedicated to those who choose to reach for more.
It's an homage to all of you who strive to memorize 10 or 1,000 or more digits of Pi, especially for Pi Day on Mar 14th of every succeeding year.
If you don't know why, can you guess why Pi is celebrated extra every year, given its own day, in a manner of speaking, always on March 14th?
Cycling Sequences?
How sweet it is: Reduce starvation, and more, with FREE CLICKS. Sponsors pay for each click - Wow!
Accuracy supercedes belief, opinions, and more. - Natural, safer, healthier, hands down winner, QRA
Without Spending Your Money!! Additional forays into the Psychology of Shortcuts:
Shapetalk.info - Information in re Shapetalk, from the mouth of the horse, creator and innovator of Shapetalk, your very own Godfather of EyeCandy
HealthGems from your Psychology of Longevity tend to be well worth repeating, in all of these many ways.
Couple of notes on Shapetalk, partly for exegesis to edify the mind of the visitor,
Rara aves may note that even devices invented by MisterShortcut are almost strictly priced with Fibonacci numbers, as a matter of habit.
Dividing any two adjacent Fibonacci numbers yields you the (almost incredibly) omnipresent Golden number. <
As an ultimate source of great shortcuts, promoting YOUR life interests,
The Fibonacci sequence, may cause a gawp or three,
These are the secrets of success, the secrets and shortcuts used by masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires. The Fibonacci sequence, might cause a gasp or three,
Fibonacci, Fibonacci, that why we've gathered,
No Charge To You - Let's help the helpless with free clicks that produce FREE FOOD
Domainists.com, OneWordDomaining.com,
J233.com - Free Megaphotons image PROVABLY, instantly, reverses EMF
On buying our domains at discount, If we deem your offer to be fair, we frequently go down another ten percent.
As noted and stated, 141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 is considerably more than merely a number.
Find and build the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity within you. You're worth it. A few more tiny tastes of the Psychology of Shortcuts:
HealthGems from your Psychology of Longevity tend to be well worth repeating, in all of these many ways.
A wonderful early string of Pi for us to recite, to practice, to learn, to exercise our memory, and more.
The greatest shortcuts are those that work approximately every time.
Dive deeply into the world of MisterShortcut's study of masters and millionaires,
Less by new resources than better use of resources you already have access to, your mastery develops.
Making the habit of using more of what we already have control of or access to is a choice decision.
It will prove to be among the ten or twenty greatest decisions of your life, of this, no doubt.
Longest Legitimate URL On The Internet?
Well, is it? There might be longer url's, it's simply challenging to see them as legitimate
Here, we have a purpose, where the first 61 digits of Pi seek, via surrogacy of the Psychology of Shortcuts,
to be considered, fairly and rightfully, the longest legitimate URL on the on the World Wide Web, and, longest URL on the internet
Today is, once again, a choice of attitudes:
Lackadaisical, "on fire," middling mediocrity, better than yesterday...
... all our choice of choices that determine destiny, a/k/a "destination"
Which of the attitudes do you most gravitate towards... or do you cycle your way through several? Do you approach life lackadaisically?
Are you "on fire" to get better and better, persistently looking for the tools and techniques that advance your mastery?
Do you talk a good game, and do you walk your talk? We can see, we can see.
A lovely function of being human is that your words on this subject can't carry as much weight as your actions, or lack thereof.
So many of us can talk that talk, while hesitating to invest even a few minutes per day intentionally getting sharper and sharper.
From crossword puzzles and sinking basketballs from 20 feet,
the word "skill" means you need have no concerns about natural talent,
because hard-earned skill will whoop talent decidedly more often than the other way around.
Maybe it's less a question of paying the price of success than it is a matter of avoiding having to pay the price of not succeeding.
Humans, for the most part, only do things to gain pleasure or to avoid pain, aside from those who confuse which is which.
The human brain is comparable to a flashlight, in that it goes wherever you point it. Intent is wiser than chance. Live on purpose.
Moving your brain into its best zones, states, moods, attitudes, pays you off in dozens and more dozens of different ways. Try it.
Make the habit of simply repeating the words, "Focus on the problem, or focus on the solution."
MULTIPLE Master Secrets Of The Universe, hidden in plain sight/site:
Reject formation of opinions about each subject you know little of.
Above 90 of 100 of your opinions are opinions of those you trusted.
Now, you suspend opinions to listen more to those who win more.
The next sentence can enrich you by an order of magnitude:
The act of suspending opinion raises intellect.
Whoever you most admire, stop yammering,
start imitating YOUR greatest champions.
Count two master secrets that change all.
If you knew better, you'd surely do better.
Make the time to observe who does better.
Take the time to imitate whoever does better.
Every 100 days, you'll look back in real wonder,
delighted at the progress you can detail specifically.
Take these master secrets of the universe. RUN with them.
Today, you're one to three hundred days from being world-class.
Spending on yourself is not near as profitable as investing in yourself.
Let the next 100 days of your life be among the best hundred days of your life.
Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and tends to teach the best, to all the rest.
Your life, and the Psychogy of Shortcuts invite you to help save the world, by excelling.
Nourishing your body and mind is aimed at your choosing to helping more of the helpless
For the next three weeks, invest only one minute per day, learning two Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
As you benefit from Fibonacci, your self-discipline of controlling a few minutes of your day,
the simple skill of not deviating from a set, cybernetic goal, multiplies your likely mastery.
If your opinion had merit, you'd already be a world-class master, so, suspend opinions.
The death process in EVERY living thing begins at the same, identical moment in life:
The death process, including yours, starts at the exact moment that growth stops.
Your willingness to understand this, and to use it repeatedly, is your everything.
Your uninterrupted eagerness to continue growing is a master secret of youth.
As this comes from many of us who are enjoying later years so profoundly,
you will find it in your best interests to tuck this secret into your toolbox.
These next 100 days can be among your best by purposefully growing.
Only 3 new facts per day about narrow subject is enough for wisdom.
Yes, it'll take a hundred to three hundred days, and it's well worth it.
Naysayers are, in truth, speaking to their own inabilities to score.
A human with 300 to 1,000 facts on one narrow subject? Smart!
Count your facts! Write them down!
Keep copies of them all around you.
Rejoice in having so much knowledge.
Use knowledge to share benefits w/ others.
Newton's 3rd Law Habitually Delivers Your Profits!
Thus do you rapidly become more intelligent, on purpose.
GETTING SMARTER IS A CHOICE - not for dummies,
only those striving to be smarter.
The future you wants you to take better care of yourself, with cause.
How else can you fulfill your purposes for being here, if not finely?
That state exists only with the balance present in excellent health.
Live your Psychology of Longevity, so you can help the helpless.
Erasing Starvation, Easing Hunger With Psychology of Shortcuts
Should you discern that the earth's residents are not treating each other particularly well,
then you possess sufficient awareness of your surroundings to make a huge difference.
Selfish benefit is your best reason for helping the helpless.
If you soberly contend or believe you can save lives every day for thousands of days, or even hundreds of days...
without having the universe generously repaying you, you've yet to apprehend the power of Newton's 3rd Law.
What goes up, must come down, what goes around comes around. Help the helpless, to see the action.
When you save lives, you can be ENTIRELY confident that the universe will repay you, & generously.Longest Licit URL Online -- Again?Before jumping into the Fibonacci portions of this page, may we return to "longest licit URL?
Perhaps it IS the longest licit url, possibly (while not excessively so) not the longest legitimate url on the internet.
What DOES count for more than most of us recognize is the effort itself. We cannot hit home runs we don't even swing for, hm?
Whether you are aiming to be the best or the fastest... or in this case the longest legitimate URL online... you must go for yours!
NEVER allow naysayers to even slow you down. Naysayers are only advertising what THEY can't do, not what YOU can't do.
At least 80% to 90% of all the obstacles and limitations we ever encounter in life are those that we put into place ourselves!
ENOUGH of limited thinking. The act of pretending you're more capable instructs your brain to MAKE you more capable.
It means that, when you go to study what you need to study, your brain and emotions are better equipped to receive.
Don't you dare form an opinion if you don't have extensive knowledge and experience in this narrow, specific area.
Wise up to the greatness that may very well be in YOU, by first imitating those people whose thinking you admire.
Look among the Fibonacci numbers when making decisions, to see which might fit!
Examine a dozen numbers of Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
From 89, go on to 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10,946, and Bob's yer uncle!
Even the smallest exercises of Fibonacci can help you to help yourself.
Peek among these numbers and see, by each successive number, their relationship.
A majority of tools that Life makes available to us are definably underused, to our extended expense!
When we fail to maximize the profit-making tools provided, provisioned to us, we do so in foolhardiness.
Fibonacci operates with frequencies that you may or may not be ready to process with respect to function.
Because pi and Fibonacci numbers appear in YOUR life more often than all other numbers... even combined!...
it has been suggested for centuries that humans should use Fibonacci and Pi where applicable and convenient.
In science and math, it's easy to use Pi with regularity. In fact, it proves difficult to avoid using Pi persistently.
In day-to-day life, however, using pi can be a challenge, whereas use of Fibonacci numbers is often easy.
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584..
you can see where establishing goals for pushups, or setting prices, or a thousand other activities, can incororate Fibonacci.
Where it fits, where it's convenient or doesn't cost anything, why not include Fibonacci in your life more often, on purpose?
As with remediated or naturally good vastu, and supercharging, attracting prosperity is not tantamount to assurance of it.
If you can find ways to include Pi in your life, simply observe whether or not it contributes good energy to you.
Admittedly, opportunities to use strings of Pi are unlikely to come along as often as opportunity for Fibonacci,
Thus and so, Psychology of Shortcuts is inclined to focus more on the intentional use of Fibonacci numbers
If you are a dual-brain operator as a rule, then go ahead and delve into the underlying scientific details.
Elsewise, consider saving time, effort, & more, by adopting a master secret of the known universe,
that intended habitual use of Fibonacci numbers tends to attract good energy, and prosperity.
Not Every Great Secret In Your Life Needs To Be Fully Understood By Conscious Mind!
Health Calls For Psychology of Longevity Master Secrets...
... such as the one-second energy test based on patented medical test anyone can learn in a minute
QRA = Quantum Reflex Analysis
The core shortcuts of Quantum Reflex Analysis and Psychology of Shortcuts, help you to help yourself,
empowering you to better empower yourself, because the one-second energy test is infinitely accurate.
Not a thousand medical devices combined can stagger and astonish you as YOU doing this easy test.
These are some of the sites you can learn the one-second energy test from.
Prepare to observe some of the most astonishing facts of your life,
not based on you believing others, instead, based on YOU testing.
100% of the time, participation is guaranteed to stagger your mind.
One-second energy test that astonishes every housewife and professor alike.
The 'catch' is that learning it is not enough: participation is always the game-changer.
QRA.me - a minute to learn, a lifetime to reap from
The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity aim to be YOUR Worldwide Shortcuts Capital,
where methodologies of yesteryear are, far from anachronistic, tools for your profitable use in the present.
The observable power of combining the best of timeless wisdom with cutting edge modern technologies?
What you know or think you know can count no better than secondary
compared to what you do with you know, a master secret of the universe.
If you learn from the Psychology of Shortcuts but this one secret, hurrah, hurrah,
for it is among the dozen or so most treasured and treasure-bringing secrets of all
Living within the broad, generous range of auto-guidelines, self-determined protocols, or imitating those who do better,
the Quantum Reflex Analysis within you, the Psychology of Shortcuts you knew so well as a child, causes you to thrive.
Catch distinctive increases in your intelligence, and your creative problem-solving mechanisms, with but tiny steps.
What can bring you a more accelerated improvement in results than imitating the people already doing it best?
Little, tiny steps, little barely-noticeable improvements that add up to repeated doublings of your best results.
Locate the people who are doing better than you, notice what they all do in common, then imitate those steps.
Of hundreds of Fortune 500 CEO's interviewed or broken bread with, do you know they ALL have written goals?
Where is the profit in your claim of, "Yes, I know that, but..."? "But" usually negates what came before it, you know.
Since it costs you naught, let's go ahead and write down the 10 most important things you need to do today, for a week.
If you do not find yourself a good bit more productive by the end of the week, feel free to return to libertine debaucheries.
Remember, the Psychology of Shortcuts earned repute by sticking to those shortcuts that work most often for most people.
If you are like most humans, your productivity will begin soaring even in the first one hundred uses of this very juicy shortcut.
The Psychology of Shortcuts neither implies nor avers that it takes 100 days to get there, simply a place along the way, you'll find.
Raw genius is not required, even as it helps. Only hunger, a deep hunger to have the best one hundred days of your life, intentionally,
it's the most vital requirement of making the powers of the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity your own great powers.
Until you do better,
how can you pretend
to know any better?
Less talking,
more doing.
More and more doors open for you, and rapidly
Secrets of Success - Succeeding Faster With The Psychology of Shortcuts
Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to.
Boost yourself upwards with the Psychology of Shortcuts.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is the penultimate in self-empowerment, with
the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of
masters and
millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
demonstrably YOUR
shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Psychology of Shortcuts is free for your life.
In consideration of 121393 being only one of relatively uncountable terms in the Fibonacci sequence,
These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!
The Psychology of Shortcuts encourages you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Never form opinions on new information until you have examined and made use of that info.
Purposefully incorporating 121393 in your life is an event and circumstance of no cost.
Since it cost you nothing to try this secret, heed the Psychology of Shortcuts.
When opportunity arises to insert 121393 in your configuring, grab it.
Grab the opportunity to boost YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts.
Why not recreate the same or similar circumstances for your current project?
Every day is almost precisely as boring or as excited as you expect, and as you act accordingly.
The only way that more money makes you happy is when you find specific things to enjoy every day you breathe.
Do you today fully appreciate that attitude is at least 1/4 or 1/3rd of your total determining factors of ultimate outcomes?
That's why a dopey salesman always smiling and asking for the sale can close even double what a typical professional might.
It is estimated that people like you, practicing QRA at home, can save a hundred million MD appointments
HealthiestBeverages.com - The Psychology of Shortcuts Offers The Healthiest Beverages Of Them All - Suhweet Domain For Sale
which we know because the call it "the present."
A 24-hour gift, to squander or to spend or to invest
We can all help the helpless with free clicks that produce FREE FOOD
Feed Hungry in Brazil
Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)
Donate 2 Days Clean Water - (CareToClick)
Donate Bread (Click Loaf)
Fight Animal Cruelty - (CareToClick.com)
Meals for Dogs
Donate Cat Food
Feed a Big Cat
Feed Chimps - (RedJellyFish)
Help Horses - (clicanimaux.com)
Find and build the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity within you. You're worth it.
When you duplicate the efforts of your yesterday, you must expect the same or similar results, yes?
By increasing your efforts even one miniscule percent, you will find the mastery awaiting your call.
That one percent, added up for a hundred days, and even unto a thousand and more days of improvement,
will elicit the best of the Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts already within you.
More Shortcuts and Shapetalk From The Psychology of Shortcuts
Shapetalk.net - Next in the Shapetalk websites series. Learn the master secrets of the universe by living your own perception of the Psychology of Shortcuts
Shapetalker.info - By wrapping wisdom into individual lines of Shapetalk EyeCandy, the Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalker makes wisdom lessons more fun
Shapetalk.com - First domain to introduce an entire website of Shapetalk PowerGems - core wisdom of the Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis
Shapetalking.com - The Godfather of EyeCandy incorporated Shapetalking into
health & wealth wisdom with Quantum Reflex Analysis and Psychology of Shortcuts.
Shapetalker.com - The Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy invested 180,000,000 preciously irreplaceable seconds to be YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalker
Shapetalks.info - Second collection of MisterShortcut EyeCandy Shapetalks, where the shortcuts of masters and millionaires and the great champions are fun to learn.
Shapetalks.net - Another network of Shapetalks from the Godfather of EyeCandy and Shapetalk, helping you help yourself, in greater hope of you helping more helpless
Shapetalk.org - Assenting that "organization" is a relative word, Shapetalk is presented with SOME measure of organization at Shapetalk.org - Enjoy, learn, and do, more
Shapetalking.info - A melange of PowerGems wisdom and EyeCandy, where the Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis bring you the world of Shapetalking
Shapetalk.biz - 1st name of MisterShortcut's game is shortcuts, often delivered through shapetalk. If your biz is Shapetalk, then it makes sense to head over to Shapetalk.biz
Shapetalking.net - If the Psychology of Shortcuts does not merit a shapetalking network, if the Quantum Reflex Analysis earns no shapetalking network, then who fairly does?
Shapetalks.com - 1st collection of wisdom-rich Shapetalks. EyeCandy presentations of the PowerGems that constitute the Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis
Shapetalk and Shortcuts, mostly from the Psychology of Shortcuts, and to a lesser degree, the Quantum Reflex Analysis,
are intended to achieve more than merely impressing you, pleasing you, engaging you to fill in all the colors of a page,
reaching instead to have you look inside the Shapetalk to find the shortcuts, what you will find to be great shortcuts.
Shapelinks.US - Self-descriptive, Shapelinks are Psychology of Shortcuts interactive EyeCandy hotlinks guiding us into the Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis
Shapelinks.com - Deliciously interactive EyeCandy links - different effects in different browsers, all leading to Psychology of Shortcuts PowerGems, the most universal shortcuts
Shapelinks.net - When building a network of Shapelinks, it helps to have Psychology of Shortcuts EyeCandy Wisdom to enjoy the formative moments of a Shapelinks network
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Shapelink.info - For further information on Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis Shortcuts, follow the sweet eyecandy hotlinks at www.Shapelink.info now
Shapelinks.US - Would a Shapelinks network be complete without a Shapelinks website, as in .ws? From the Psychology of Shortcuts, for and to your self-empowerment.
S.hortcuts.com - Such a sweet domain and sweeter website, perhaps the shortcut capital of the internet, since we know one shortcut can be YOUR big acceleration shortcut
Shortcut.name - Referring to the Psychology of Shortcuts, the name of the game is shortcuts, the game of life, personified, vitalized, by YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts
Shortcuts.me.uk - Demonstrating that great shortcuts are universal, from the UK to every other place where the Psychology of Shortcuts is adopted - embraced
Shortcuts.name - Godfather of EyeCandy, Godfather of Shortcuts - surely the Psychology of Shortcuts is inclined toward this domain as its one true name
Shortcuts.ws - Premium one-word domain that gladdens the heart of your host, the Psychology of Shortcuts of masters, millionaires, & champions
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www.Success-Shortcuts.com - Excellence cannot happen accidentally with success shortcuts from your Psychology of Shortcuts
Shortcuts unto shortcuts from the mother ship of shortcuts,
for the health and wealth we might still deserve,
the wealth worth more than fine orchids.
Health, of course, is true wealth,
its theft so often done in stealth.
When you have one, you get the other,
and without it is worse than having no mother.
Shortcuts from other shortcuts, that's what we see,
both the Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis.
.A Sufficiency of Shortcuts - USE Enough Shortcuts, and use shortcuts enough.
Understand the meaning and the difference
Employ enough of your favorite shortcuts, enough times,
and those shortcuts will tend to yield further shortcuts.
This is a frequent treat of utilizing your Psychology of Shortcuts.
Stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly do more.
Imitating those you admire most is among the fastest of approaches,
the most efficient and effective way to repeatedly imitate their results.
Let the shortcuts you have already used well ... ... guide you to create new shortcuts.
Even if this shortcut is not a full cornerstone of the Psychology of Shortcuts, it is a potent tool.
Life has long proven that the more we use our best tools, the wider becomes the reach of those tools.
Shapelinks and Shapetalk are interactive features of the Psychology of Shortcuts and Quantum Reflex Analysis.
Quantum Reflex Analysis Secrets - Use What You HAVE!!!
Since the Quantum Reflex Analysis is, naturally, already a part of you,
congenitally hard-wired into your DNA, as naturally as skin, hair, and more,
embrace the factors of the Psychology of Longevity that best fit your daily life.
Basics: More air, water, air-dried sea salt, never-heated oil, is universally healthy.
You are certain to be pleased in so many different ways. Live it yourself in pleasure.
It is healthier to oil your skin and bones from the inside out than the other way around.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.
If you like, do each set of repetitions in Fibonacci numbers, whether 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, or 55.
Fibonacci can be a habit after you determine its value. Thus, encouragement to "Fibonaccify."
Bulk, or fiber, and friendly bacteria called "probiotics" round out the diet for extended longevity.
Until you live for five and six decades as an adult with high function, heed those who routinely do.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Psychology of Longevity and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails you in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Learning just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
Search out natural answers to every health challenge.
Each health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
After so many disastrous injuries, the proof is pure.
Natural answers do not kill as do allopathic drugs.
Learn more, often, for you are likely to live more.
If you knew better, we'd watch you doing better.
Give attention to those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.
121393 and other Fibonacci sequence terms,
where you can include Fibonacci numbers.
Better living is mostly just better decisions.
That includes frequent uses of Fibonacci,
not least of which... is the 121393 term.
Such is your Psychology of Longevity.
Fibonacci or not, live life naturally.
Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalk Exegesis
and partly because, with "Shapetalk" well below the radar of quotidian word use,
goal-push to keep Shapetalk websites fairly listed must be a repeated set of efforts.
Thus, the Psychology of Shortcuts says three things about Shapetalk, aiming at accuracy:
1) Shapetalk can hardly be called the "invention" of the Psychology of Shortcuts; at most, an innovation
2) Shapetalk EyeCandy treats exist by the many tens of thousands, each on unique MisterShortcut - Psychology of Shortcuts pages.
3) Shapetalk is, primarily, the eyecandy presentation of wisdom coming from masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Until you know more than said masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires, invest your attention into "their" Shapetalk,
because these fine role models are the people who create these shortcuts in the times when there are no extant shortcuts.
If we do not get our information direct from the horse's mouth, are we not to be caught at the wrong end of the horse?
What's With The Psychology of Shortcuts And All These Fibonacci Numbers?
Why is the Psychology of Shortcuts, and also the Psychology of Longevity, so focused on Fibonacci, and the putative power of Fibonacci?
A great question. First, the "putative." So far, no human who has experimented with Fibonacci and reported on their outcomes has demurred.
There seems to be a universal agreement, from mathematicians and other scientists to even moderately-educated non-professional experimenters.
Everyone who "plays" with Fibonacci by way of including Fibonacci sequences in their work or play, reports a definite difference in achieved results.
Since it does not cost money to involve Fibonacci in your life, begin including Fibonacci numbers where and as you can inveigle them into your efforts.
The Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity have involved Fibonacci numbers on many levels, and they are now global arenas of education.
Shortcuts Through Shortcuts
Health Start - Psychology of Longevity
Wealth Index For the Psychology of Shortcuts
Rebound to the top of this Psychology of Shortcuts Fibonacci page
Fibonacci Explanation - Psychology of Shortcuts On Fibonacci
Among countless examples:
34 divided by 55 = 0.618 or, inversely, 55 divided by 34 = 1.618.
The Fibonacci sequence takes its name from Filis Bonacci (son of Bonacci),
better known even now as Leonardo of Pisa. Born Leonardo Fibonacci in 1175,
his landmark book on arithmetic, The Liber Abaci was disseminated in 1202.
A standard for two centuries, the book is still considered by many
to be the best book ever written on arithmetic.
The Liber Abaci was his primary vehicle to introduce and demonstrate superiority
of the Hindu Arabic system of numeration in comparison to the long-used Roman System.
Fibonacci certainly merited his high reputation among scientific and mathematics scholars.
His repute spread across Italy, and elsewhere. It was powerful enough to engender quite a contest.
King Frederick II, while visiting Pisa in 1225, sponsored a public competition in mathematics to test Leonardo's skill.
Fibonacci was the only one participating in the contest who was able to answer all of the questions put to the contestants.
You will find Fibonacci most everywhere you look, from teeth to flowers, and so much more.
Even in the Psychology of Shortcuts, as well as the Psychology of Longevity, you will find Finbonacci.
Just as embracing Fibonacci brings benefits that most of us would never have anticipated before knowing,
so, too, does embracing the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity bring an array of benefits.
... and with all that, let's remember 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944, the reason we're here today, at this moment, right?
As strings of pi go, the name of this domain and website is not all-so-impressively long, even schoolchildren can learn pi strings.
The primary known obstacle to that wondrous even, seeing dozens of kids in each school learning to recite extensive strings of pi?
Henry Ford: "Think you can, think you can't, either way, you're right"
Test any object before and after exposure to the image
Ultimate Health - Psychology of Longevity YOUR State Of Health
Ahhmigo and the Psychology of Longevity encourage you to learn about Fibonacci.
The more you know, the better your decisions tend to be, including your ultimate decisions.
Excellence only happens intentionally, just as Ahhmigo intentionally became the ultimate supplement.
Just as Ahhmigo urges you to towards ultimate health using the ultimate supplements, so, too, with ideas.
At first glance, there is no apparent connection to be observed between the Fibonacci sequence and vastu.
However, vastu, along with the Fibonacci sequence as well are part of the master secrets of the universe.
Start with the basics. Learn why people are fascinated with vastu, and-or with the Fibonacci sequence.
Pursue any of the many thousands of pathways within the Psychology of Shortcuts, et alia.
Each of them will guide you to wisdom that will yield better, faster successful results,
by way of the wisdom & results of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Pursue ultimate knowledge, just as you pursue ultimate health. Learn more to live more.
Fibonacci sequence - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Poem
Fibonacci sequence is where we live, Fibonacci sequence is one way to learn to give.
Even more than Fibonacci, more than receivership itself, is how you feel when Fibonacci,
The Psychology of Shortcuts helps you to help yourself.
The Psychology of Shortcuts helps you to help somebody else.
Volitional use of Fibonacci helps you to combine them all nicely.
You close more deals .... and end up with more chips, thanks and applause to Fibonacci.
Fibonacci sequence is plenty of fun, and Fibonacci sequence proves you are a thinking somone,
all to show that Fibonacci sequence is a good, making money in the ways that we should.
The shortcuts for Fibonacci sequence are many, especially when Fibonacci sequence with O.P.M.
As you realize, or surely should if you intend to make the Fibonacci sequence a part of your life,
one new Fibonacci fact per day can be more than enough to expand your personal prosperity.
As odd as it might sound, there is no denying the influence of Fibonacci on so much of life.
Since the Psychology of Longevity is most particularly focused on matters of better health,
it is the province of the Psychology of Shortcuts to share "Fibonacci sequence" shortcuts.
So are you welcome when promising to the helpless with our share of your new wealth,
via your Psychology of Shortcuts primer on Fibonacci sequence with OPM shortcuts.
Did you know that Fibonacci can even be a part of success in Fibonacci sequence?
Before taking your next step towards Fibonacci sequence, learn about Fibonacci.
Learn, and also determine yourself, how Fibonacci can be applied for you.
Best of all might be combining Fibonacci and vastu remediation methods.
The more we combine the oldest and newest sciences and technologies,
the more we see Psychology of Shortcuts-level advances in ourselves.
LUCK is acronymic for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Good luck.
The harder that I've worked, the luckier I appear to have gotten. Hm.
Fibonacci sequence - Psychology of Shortcuts Second Poetry Ditty
where the Fibonacci sequence expands up, so like a tree,
branches here leading to factors there, features often repeated,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even our colorful language, comes down to numerical blurbs.
Mastery is aA natural proclivity of your Psychology of Shortcuts.
The Psychology of Shortcuts loves the Fibonacci sequence(s),
because they empower focused, intentional consequences,
happy, empowering, helping others to help themselves.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Inside of you resides genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you reject your own repeat mediocrity.
Today you make the tiniest decision to squeeze one more.
One percent of who and what you are, a modest investment,
one you are likely to be persistently and repeatedly repaid for.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
Some 99 of 100 of your opinions are opinions of those you trusted.
Today, eschew opinions, listening to opinions of who wins more.
Whoever you most admire,
reduce your chattering,
imitate YOUR champions.
Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and tends to teach the best, to all the rest.
For the next three weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
With genuinely countless applications for Fibonacci numbers in your life, get Fibonacci into your life.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is pleased to introduce the Fibonacci sequence into so many lives. Use it!
Engaging your Psychology of Shortcuts, notice that the Psychology of Shortcuts generously reciprocates.
Living on purpose is assuredly more rewarding, more fulfilling.
Time is running out for every human currently in existence, true?
Allow others to live based on the vagaries of non-self-determining factors.
A person who does not know precisely where they are going... ...
are more likely than not to end up somewhere else.
Live on purpose, knowing in advance what the destination - destiny - is to be.
The more we see Psychology of Shortcuts-level advances in ourselves,
the more it encourages us to find out what if any limits we have inside.
LUCK is acronymic for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Good luck.
The Psychology of Shortcuts has multiple terms for them, even as they are, predominantly, interchangeable.
Thus, megatruths and PowerGems are equivalent, referring as they do to Universal Shortcuts
Embrace your Psychology of Shortcuts, and the PowerGems found here, and live your life fully, richly.
Fibonacci - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Redux
when the Fibonacci sequence shows how mastery is performed.
Branches over there, leading to factors where, when the proof is needed,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even the basics of language, devolve to numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts embraces the Fibonacci string(s),
because they empower intentions, inventions, conventions,
so many rich merit of no less than our fullest intentions.
healthy, empowering, helping others to live up as well.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Within you we can find genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you eschew your own deep mediocrity.
Today you make the potent decision to pull up one more.
One percent of who and what you are is a tiny investment,
one you are certain to be repaid for, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
90+ percent of all your opinions are only opinions of those you trusted.
Today, you suspend opinions to listen more to who repeatedly win more.
Who lives the Psychology of Shortcuts teaches the Psychology of Shortcuts.
Whoever you find "worthiest"? Imitate them; THEN refine with your knowledge.
Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and shows to teach the rest how to be best.
For the next few weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
With many thousands of applications for Fibonacci numbers in your life, get Fibonacci-happy, briefly.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is thoroughly thrilled to introduce the Fibonacci sequence into so many lives.
With the first ten Fibonacci sequence numbers all rolled into one, 0112358132134.com welcomes you to the world of Fibonacci.
to learn about the magic, that Fibonacci, gathers.
Reach inside the numbers, Fibonacci, one and all,
the secretseach sequence, is what matters most of all.
For the numbers in this sequence, Fibonacci, one and all,
can lead you where you need to go, reaching for your all.
Fibonacci, is a number, discovered long ago,
and, yet, Fibonacci, is also, a group of numbers worth the call.
Enjoy The Psychology of Shortcuts,
the EyeCandy Capital of the Internet, the Psychology of Shortcuts.
A MisterShortcut production for the Psychology of Shortcuts and the Psychology of Longevity.
Regain at least some of your wasted time of petty conversations. They provide you no profit, no assistance.
You only get 2,000 paychecks in a typical life. How many have you already burned your way through?
One of the many tricks to getting wealthy is to spend zero on consuming for one hundred weeks.
You will be shocked at how many thousands of dollars you will have in one hundred weeks.
It is a tiny portion of your life, and promises to be the richest you imagined.
Please stop pretending you know better than those who are doing better.
You do not "NEED" that five-dollar cup of coffee, now or ever.
That dollar doughnut cost approximately one penny to make,
ONE SINGLE PENNY, yet you pay one hundred times that.
As well, the doughnut has "high fructose corn syrup,"
although there is, in fact, no such thing as "corn syrup."
If you do not believe this, attach 100 taps to any ear of corn.
Not one of those hundred syrup taps will produce one drop of syrup.
That's because there IS no such thing as corn syrup; it is manufactured.
It cancels hydrochloric acid in the stomach, erasing all nutrition from your food.
Did you know this? When you drink soda or anything containing fructose corn syrup or sugar,
your body is not capable of drawing nutrition from your food, no matter how healthy it might be.
Investing your money is so much smarter than spending it, because each dollar will become a hundred.
THEN will you be in a position to consume, or share, or further invest, as and when you see fit to do so.
Hooray For Pi Strings...
Cheers for www.3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.work Pertaining To Fibonacci vis-a-vis the Psychology of Shortcuts
Pertaining to fibonacci, perhaps the most entertaining, intellectually and otherwise:
Observing, acknowledging the pure frequency of the fibonacci sequence presence in nature.
There is at least a fair-to-reasonable likelihood that you have already seen fibonacci sequence in nature.
While it is hardly a perfect universal of life, the fibonacci sequence does in fact appear throughout nature.
Sunflowers routinely have petals and flowers that fall into the fibonacci sequence with respect to its components and totals.
As well, you can often notice that the number of stripes on a zebra or bumblebee might well turn out to be a fibonacci number.
Fibonacci Trading - All across the myriads of financial markets, and trading, from commodities and standard stock options,
stocks and bonds and futures and forex currency trading, utilizing fibonacci retracements is a common tool for forecasting price.
Not predicting price, for the prediction of price is the arena of the fool or the polymath to believes in consistently foretelling of price.
When you determine to determine which way a stock price is likely to move, check your fibonacci retracements and increase accuracy.
Fibonacci calculator - Hundreds and hundreds of expert trading specialists make use of various fibonacci calculators, contributing to profitability.
Fibonacci biography - Whether the Encyclopedia Britannica or Americana, or wikipedia, many a fibonacci biography to learn from can be found.
Fibonacci series - It nearly goes without mentioning that a myriad of fibonacci series prove that the fibonacci series appears all through life.
Fibonacci spiral - Mathematically or aesthetically, it is tough to refute or to gainsay the averral that the fibonacci spiral is beautiful, and more.
Fibonacci retracement - As mentioned previously, fibonacci retracements are frequently (and by some people exclusively) used in predicting price.
Fibonacci has been a sizable part of the various trading markets for many decades, although Japanese traders may have used fibonacci centuries ago.
www.3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.work is presented to you in honor of Pi,
and, even more, in honor of those who strive to learn the intricacies of the fantastic story that IS pi,
the many stories we Pi reciters find within the winding chains of numbers that connect so personally.
the thirty-third term of the Fibonacci sequence.Secrets of Success - Succeeding Faster With The Psychology of Shortcuts
Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to.
Boost yourself upwards with the Psychology of Shortcuts.
Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Make the time each night to create a written agenda, the 5 most vitals goals of the morrow.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Since there is no cost or charge for you to try these methods for rapid acceleration, let yourself try.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
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141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 Is Much More Than "Just" A Number
Eons of thought far beyond mere expansion of search engine value in uniquity of relevant key terms,
141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 is, among so many other useful things,
an inspiration, a goal, for kids of EVERY age to pursue, demonstrating ongoing development, hm?
Whatever our age, the act of expanding the mind, PROVING our continuing mental development,
we live and experience our lives from an observably-improved coign of vantage, and often.
The ability to enjoy both experiential advance AND ability to repeat it, mostly at will,
is a skill and pleasure to serve you all the functioning years of your functional life.
When you duplicate the efforts of your yesterday, you must expect the same or similar results, yes?
By increasing your efforts even one miniscule percent, you will find the mastery awaiting your call.
That one percent, added up for a hundred days, and even unto a thousand and more days of improvement,
will elicit the best of the Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts already within you.
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embrace the secrets of the Psychology of Longevity as a part of your daily life.
You are certain to be pleased in so many different ways. Live it yourself in pleasure.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Psychology of Longevity and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails you in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Learning just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
Search out natural answers to every health challenge.
Each health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
After so many disastrous injuries, the proof is pure.
Natural answers do not kill as do allopathic drugs.
Learn more, often, for you are likely to live more.
If you knew better, we'd watch you doing better.
Give attention to those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.
Such is your Psychology of Longevity.
Health Index - Psychology of Longevity
Wealth Index For the Psychology of Shortcuts
Return to the top of this Psychology of Shortcuts page
Health and Wealth Shortcuts Empowering You To Empower Yourself
Welcome to the fantastically empowered world of MisterShortcut, helping you to help yourself
Where there is greed, you will always find suffering not too far away. Let's even the board a bit
Imitating the people who most often and most successfully use shortcuts,
we find an inevitable progression towards the greatest achievements of life.
QRA.me - Learn the one-second energy test - get smarter forever!
Health and Wealth Shortcuts Empowering You To Empower Yourself
Welcome to the fantastically empowered world of MisterShortcut, helping you to help yourself
Where there is greed, you will always find suffering not too far away. Let's even the board a bit
MisterShortcut has a plan, to help you become the best you can.
With the Psychology of Shortcuts, MisterShortcut knows,
you can better put on the very best of YOUR shows.
Your life is a show, and you are on your stage,
the Psychology of Shortcuts turns your page.
You are the writer, director, executive producer ... and star of the show.
While we can't control all events, your response is YOURS to create.
Throughout history, masters and millionaires have developed secrets, hm?
Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to use as many of them as you can.
Engage the best of your shortcuts every day,
to begin YOUR version of the Psychology of Shortcuts ' better way.
MisterShortcut and many others can help you to better help yourself,
the Psychology of Shortcuts doesn't work... sitting up on the shelf.
Like a hammer or other tool we choose,
your Psychology of Shortcuts requires use.
MisterShortcut is here, then, to help you highlight your better way,
thanks to those who chose to teach us how we might better play,
so every A.M. opens a Psychology of Shortcuts kind of day.
Permit masters and champions to be our cornerstones!
Let MisterShortcut help you to help yourself each day.
The Psychology of Shortcuts exists to build wealth,
meaning mastery that brings to you YOUR wants,
as Psychology of Longevity helps keep health.
Who shows best clearly knows best
Imitating long-lived people works out well!
Reversing EMF (Megaphotons) alters life!
Instead of underestimating emf damage,
prove it, with a one-second energy test.
Nothing's like QRA, a rara avis "Best!"
interviewing, working with or for, breaking bread with, and, most of all, imitating.
When we imitate the people already doing it better habitually, we're on the path.
The most golden path a human can travel and traverse is one of self-expansion.
Getting better and better with every day, in most each and every way?
Akin to health, it's far more a choice than a chance!
Here is where the greatest success shortcuts for health and wealth,
unfold to help you to help yourself.
Read between the lines of Shapetalk,
because Shapetalk yields more meaning,
more levels, more shortcuts, more 'angles,"
all designed to help you to empower yourself.
There is no empowerment like self-empowerment.
Every pioneer into mastery develops big shortcuts,
the secrets that save us time in striving to get better.
The commitment to getting at least one percent better?
When it's followed through with action a hundred times...
and another hundred, and even unto a thousand and beyond...
we see mostly inevitable manifestation of the best possible you.
Glean more from your greatest success shortcuts, day after day,
and we'll see more and better of YOUR greatest achievements.
After all, success cannot be attained by mere accident.
Succeeding is about maximum use of great shortcuts.
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 is more than merely a numerical term,
considering that it continues to serve honorably as inspiration, to be memorized, and learned well,
to be richly engaged, specifically used intentionally where feasible (if not necessarily always practical).
THIS is a number of learn for more than one reason: Is YOUR brain not worth this delicious exercise?
141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 is yours, too.
Teasing, teasing. In reality, it's just about adding a few digits at a time, repeating them any number of times, and voila!